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The Johansen Clan
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ice cream!!!!!!!
After family night we all enjoyed an ice cream treat!
Olivia with her Ice cream!
Aubri with her ice cream!
This is a true story..........James lost a tooth eating ice cream.....I think that is worse than losing a tooth eating a banana.
Bad Dad gave Navy her first taste of Ice Cream, I think that she loved it!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My favorite pictures of Navy!
Thanks to my sister in law Skye, who took these awesome pictures of Navy when she was 9 months old. How lucky am I to have a professional photographer in the family!!!! Navy and Saylor in June.
Olivia turns 9!!!
Olivia turned 9 on June 20th!
All she wanted was an Ipod and she got it!!!
Her friends, Sydnee, Aubree, Sami and Chelsea!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Trip to Mesquite Nevada for a little get away!!!!
The Johansen and Clark kids at the pool in Mesquite!! It was a fun few days for the kids to play in the sun, with our great family friends.
James coming down the water slide!!
Zach and Cade playing with guys next to the pool.
Navy hanging out by the pool!
Olivia coming down the water slide!
Aubri heading into the pool!
Great Grandpa Jay with Aubri and Olivia.
The month for Weddings....June
April, the beautiful bride.
The Steed girls.
Grana and Gramdpa Steed sitting by the waterfall.
The guys.
The Girls.
Our Family
The month of....May
Navy's new trick is standing on her head, here is the progression......start out on your bum...
Then place your head on the ground and stick your bum in the air...
Then go up on your tip toes and raise your hands in the air...Tricky!!!
Lookin' cute in a coca cabana dress that I made for Navy.
Happy as a clam...
Oh how quick things change!!!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
How fast 6 months go by.....April
Zack Easter morning with his basket
James Easter morning with his new webkin
Olivia Easter Morning with her new shirt
Aubri Easter morning with her new shirt
Navy Easter morning without a basket (oops)
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Blog Archive
Ice cream!!!!!!!
My favorite pictures of Navy!
Olivia turns 9!!!
Trip to Mesquite Nevada for a little get away!!!!
The month for Weddings....June
The month of....May
How fast 6 months go by.....April
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